
Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 3
First Seen: July 1, 2022
Last Seen: August 31, 2022

The infamous AdLoad adware family continues to be used by unscrupulous people for the creation of invasive PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). These annoying applications target Mac users specifically and in most cases are equipped with adware functionalities. To avoid allowing such dubious programs inside their computers or devices, users should always exercise caution when installing software products from unfamiliar sources. After all, PUPs are commonly spread via tactics designed to hide their installation, such as software bundles or fake installers/updates.

SpaceEnergy is exactly such an AdLoad application. If it has been successfully deployed to the user's Mac, the application will activate its functionality and begin running an annoying ad campaign. The generated advertisements could take various forms - pop-up windows, banners, in-text links, etc., and could severely disrupt the user experience on the device. More importantly, users may encounter advertisements promoting suspicious or even unsafe destinations. It is not uncommon for adware to promote hoax websites, phishing portals, questionable adult-oriented platforms and more. 

However, PUPs may easily possess additional unwanted features as well. For example, PUPs are notorious for spying on the browsing activities performed on the system. The application may monitor the user's browsing history, search history and clicked URLs. Some PUPs also include device details or information extracted from browsers' autofill data in the information they harvest and transmit. 


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