Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 7,913
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 21
First Seen: October 24, 2023
Last Seen: October 29, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Cybersecurity experts have recently exposed a suspicious website known as This website is identified as a rogue platform employing a range of tactics to initiate intrusive browser notifications and reroute users to other web destinations, often characterized by dubious or untrustworthy attributes. Users generally land on these webpages as a result of redirections originating from websites that make use of rogue advertising networks. Lures Visitors by Showing Deceptive Messages

It's essential to underscore that the content and user interactions on rogue websites can be tailored based on their visitors' IP addresses and geographical locations.

During our investigation, we encountered, which utilized a deceptive CAPTCHA verification process. Specifically, this webpage presented users with an image featuring both a human and a robot, accompanied by text instructing users to 'Press Allow to verify that you are not a robot.'

Should a user succumb to this ruse and attempt to complete the purported verification process, they unknowingly grant permission to send browser notifications. These notifications often serve as conduits for the promotion of online scams, unreliable or harmful software, and even the distribution of malware.

In summary, websites such as can lead users into unintentionally compromising their systems, exposing themselves to potential infections, encountering significant privacy risks, incurring financial losses, and falling victim to identity theft. Exercising caution and refraining from engaging with these deceitful websites is paramount in safeguarding oneself against these potential hazards.

Common Red Flags That May Indicate A Fake CAPTCHA Check

Fake CAPTCHA checks are a deceptive tactic employed by scam actors to trick users into taking actions that may compromise their online security. Recognizing common red flags associated with fake CAPTCHA checks is essential to avoid falling victim to such scams. Here are several telltale signs to watch out for:

  • Unusual Requests: Legitimate CAPTCHA checks typically involve solving puzzles or identifying images to prove you are not a bot. Be cautious if the CAPTCHA asks for personal information, like email addresses, passwords, or credit card details, as this is highly suspicious.
  • Multiple or Repeated CAPTCHAs: If you're asked to solve CAPTCHAs repeatedly in a short time span or within the same session, it's a potential red flag. This could indicate an attempt to wear down your patience and gather more information.
  • Unusual Language or Wording: Pay attention to the wording and language used in the CAPTCHA. Spelling or grammar errors, awkward phrasing, or unfamiliar terminology may be indicative of a fake CAPTCHA.
  • Excessive Information: Fake CAPTCHAs might request excessive or unnecessary personal information, such as full names, phone numbers, or home addresses. Legitimate CAPTCHAs only require you to prove you're not a bot.
  • Mimicking Legitimate CAPTCHAs: Some fake CAPTCHAs closely mimic the appearance of well-known CAPTCHA services, making them appear authentic. Always verify the source of the CAPTCHA to ensure its legitimacy.
    No Reset Option: A genuine CAPTCHA typically provides a way to reset or refresh the challenge if you find it too difficult. Fake CAPTCHAs may lack this feature.

By remaining vigilant and recognizing these red flags, you can protect yourself from falling victim to fake CAPTCHA checks and the potential risks associated with them, including identity theft and financial fraud. Always use trusted websites and CAPTCHA services to ensure your online safety.

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