
Lenglishiam.biz is the address of yet another mostly empty website designed with the singular purpose of carrying out a popular browser-based tactic. Lenglishiam.biz is practically identical to all of the other misleading websites that have already been put on the Internet with the same goal. Indeed, all of them operate by showing misleading and deceptive alerts or warning messages that try to convince any visitor to click the 'Allow' button. Doing so will subscribe the user to the push notification services of that particular website.

The specific scenario shown to users may change but Lenglishiam.biz has been observed to display a buffering bar indicating that a video is having troubles being played. Right below it is the following message:

'Please tap the Allow button to continue'

Users who fall for this trick due to not paying enough attention will soon find themselves on the receiving end of an intrusive advertising campaign. The site will start to generate numerous unwanted ads leading to a severely diminished user experience on the affected device. Not to mention that the advertisements themselves could be hiding nasty surprises. By employing forced redirects, they could take any user who was foolish enough to click on them to other questionable or even outright unsafe websites. It is not uncommon for users to land on various phishing sites, tech support scams, or fake giveaways. Another popular destination are domains spreading barely-functional PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

To stop the activities of Lenglishiam.biz, users will have to go to the Permissions or Notifications settings of their respective browser and then remove the scam website.


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