Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Kryopage Browser Extension

Kryopage Browser Extension

The investigation conducted on the Kryopage browser extension revealed its functionality as a browser hijacker. This extension's primary purpose is to modify web browser settings. Researchers encountered Kryopage on a suspicious website. It is not a common practice for users to intentionally download and install browser hijackers.

Browser Hijackers Like Kryopage Take Control Over Users' Web Browsers

Kryopage is a browser extension that is primarily associated with the promotion of, a legitimate search engine. However, it also operates as a browser hijacker by making changes to the settings of the user's Web browser. Once installed, Kryopage alters the default search engine, homepage, or new tab page to redirect the user's searches to

Browser hijackers like Kryopage are generally considered unwanted software due to their potential to disrupt the user's browsing experience and compromise privacy. They often exhibit behaviors such as displaying an excessive number of advertisements or tracking user activities for marketing purposes. It is worth noting that many of these applications tend to promote unreliable or even fake search engines.

When coming across browser extensions like Kryopage, PC users must exercise caution and thoroughly evaluate their permissions and reputation before adding them to their browser. Suppose you suspect that your browser has been affected by Kryopage or any other browser hijacker. In that case, it is advisable to remove the extension and restore your browser settings to their default configuration.

Users Rarely Install PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) and Browser Hijackers Willingly

Unscrupulous actors often employ various deceptive tactics to trick users into unknowingly installing PUPs and browser hijackers. These tactics may try to exploit users' trust and lack of awareness regarding potential security risks.

One commonly used tactic is bundling, where PUPs and browser hijackers are packaged with legitimate software or freeware that users intentionally download. During the installation process, users may overlook or rush through the steps, missing the option to opt out of installing additional programs. By pre-selecting the installation of PUPs or burying the disclosure within lengthy terms and conditions, attackers take advantage of users' inattentiveness to sneak unwanted software onto their systems.

Another technique involves disguising PUPs and browser hijackers as helpful or desirable applications. They may be presented as system optimization tools, security scanners, or media players, luring users into believing they are beneficial. These deceptive programs often mimic the appearance and behavior of legitimate software to gain users' trust and encourage their installation.

Additionally, social engineering tactics are employed to manipulate users' emotions and create a sense of urgency or fear. Attackers may use misleading pop-up messages, fake security alerts, or alarming notifications to convince users that their system is compromised and immediate action is required. By exploiting users' concerns about malware infections or privacy breaches, these tactics push them to install PUPs and browser hijackers under the false pretense of resolving a perceived issue.

Furthermore, attackers exploit vulnerabilities in software or Web browsers to deliver PUPs and browser hijackers. They may create malicious advertisements or compromised websites that, when visited, trigger automatic downloads or installations without users' consent. These drive-by downloads exploit security flaws to install unwanted software onto users' systems silently.

In summary, attackers employ a range of dubious tactics such as bundling, disguising as helpful applications, social engineering, and exploiting software vulnerabilities to deceive users and trick them into installing PUPs and browser hijackers. It is crucial for users to remain vigilant, exercise caution when downloading or installing software, and regularly update their security measures to mitigate these risks.


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