
By GoldSparrow in Browser Hijackers

Malware researchers have received numerous reports from computer users complaining that their computers redirect them to Jss.donetri.net automatically. Jss.donetri.net is closely related to adware and browser hijackers. These kinds of constituents are usually known as Potentially Unwanted Programs. Jss.donetri.net is used to promote questionable online content, carry out known marketing tactics, and gather privileged information about the visitors' computers. If your computer is exposed repeatedly to the Jss.donetri.net website or to advertisements related in some way to the Jss.donetri.net domain, PC security researchers strongly advise the immediate removal of any potentially unwanted components that may be present on the affected PC.

The Misleading Tactics Associated with Jss.donetri.net

Jss.donetri.net and PUPs associated with Jss.donetri.net pose a threat to your computer. The following are reasons why Jss.donetri.net is considered potentially harmful:

  1. Jss.donetri.net is closely associated with various types of intrusive advertisements that may interfere with your activity and affect your computer's performance. Jss.donetri.net is linked to several types of advertisements including pop-up advertisements, banners, sliding advertisements, full screen advertisements, video advertisements and in-text affiliate marketing links.
  2. PUPs associated with Jss.donetri.net may take over the affected computer's Web browser, forcing it to visit Jss.donetri.net repeatedly. These browser redirects may occur at any moment, prohibiting PC users from using their Web browsers normally.
  3. Advertisements and redirects associated with Jss.donetri.net may expose your computer to known hoaxes and websites that promote potentially threatening software such as rogue security programs or bogus system optimizers.
  4. PUPs associated with Jss.donetri.net may cause system performance issues, causing your computer to slow down, crash or freeze frequently.


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