Threat Database Trojans JS_BLACOLE.MT


By Sumo3000 in Trojans

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 90 % (High)
Infected Computers: 23
First Seen: June 13, 2013
Last Seen: December 30, 2021
OS(es) Affected: Windows

JS_BLACOLE.MT is a Trojan that propagates via hijacked Japanese websites. One of the hijacked websites incorporates an obfuscated JavaScript, identified as JS_BLACOLE.SMTT, which is produced to load a hidden iframe that loads behind the attacked computer user's web browser. The hidden iframe loads a .PHP file, identified as JS_BLACOLE.MT, that checks which programs are installed on the compromised PC. After checking, it then loads the appropriate exploits. These result in the download of damaging PDF files, which exploit an old vulnerability (CVE-2010-0188) in Adobe Reader and Acrobat. Other programs affected for exploits involve Java and Flash. This behavior indicates that the cybercriminal used the Blackhole Exploit Kit in these attacks.


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