Threat Database Ransomware HuiVJope Ransomware

HuiVJope Ransomware

Among the latest ransomware scenario additions is the HuiVJope Ransomware, a menacing variant belonging to the notorious Phobos Ransomware family. HuiVJope distinguishes itself by appending a unique file extension to its encrypted victims' files, typically in the format '.HuiVJope' followed by a variable number. This customization adds a layer of complexity to file recovery efforts, as victims are left with an unmistakable marker of compromise.

The Ransom Note and Communication Channels

Upon successfully encrypting files, HuiVJope delivers a ransom note named 'info.txt' or 'info.hta,' outlining the terms for data retrieval and payment. The attackers provide contact information for communication, leveraging the Telegram handle '@GROUNDINGCONDUCTOR' and the email address '' These channels serve as the primary means for victims to negotiate the ransom and potentially regain access to their compromised data.

HuiVJope employs a multi-faceted approach to cripple the targeted system's defenses. The ransomware is designed to disable the firewall, a critical component of a system's security infrastructure. By neutralizing this primary defense mechanism, HuiVJope ensures a smoother infiltration and execution process.

The Elimination of Data Recovery Avenues

To maximize the impact of its attack, HuiVJope takes strategic measures to eliminate potential avenues for data recovery. The ransomware targets the Shadow Volume Copies, a feature that enables users to restore previous versions of files. By eradicating these shadow copies, HuiVJope further tightens its grip on the victim's data, leaving them with limited options for retrieval.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)

HuiVJope is particularly adept at exploiting vulnerabilities in Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) services, a standard method of accessing and managing remote systems. The ransomware gains unauthorized access by employing brute force and dictionary attacks on poorly managed account credentials associated with RDP services. This method allows HuiVJope to infiltrate systems and commence its destructive encryption process.

Persistence Mechanisms and Data Gathering

Beyond its immediate impact, HuiVJope possesses mechanisms to persist on the infected system, ensuring a lasting presence. This persistence allows the ransomware to maintain control over the compromised system and potentially launch subsequent attacks. Moreover, HuiVJope is not solely focused on encryption; it also exhibits data-gathering capabilities. The ransomware has the ability to collect location data, potentially enabling attackers to target specific geographic regions. Notably, it can exclude predefined locations from its data collection, suggesting a level of sophistication in its targeting strategy.

The emergence of the HuiVJope Ransomware underscores the evolving and sophisticated nature of cyber threats. Organizations and individuals must prioritize robust cybersecurity practices, including regular software updates, strong password policies, and employee information on phishing and social engineering tactics. Additionally, maintaining offline backups remains a crucial defense against the growing threat of ransomware attacks. As the cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve, a proactive and multi-layered defense approach is essential to mitigate the risks posed by threatening entities like HuiVJope.

Here is the HuiVJope Ransomware ransom message:

Your network is hacked and files are encrypted.
Including the encrypted data we also downloaded other confidential information: data of your employees, customers, partners, as well as accounting and other internal documentation of your company.
About Data
All data is stored until you will pay.
After payment we will provide you the programs for decryption and we will delete your data
We dont want did something bad to your company, it is just bussines (Our reputation is our money!)
If you refuse to negotiate with us (for any reason) all your data will be put up for sale.
What you will face if your data gets on the black market:
The personal information of your employees and customers may be used to obtain a loan or purchases in online stores.
You may be sued by clients of your company for leaking information that was confidential.
After other hackers obtain personal data about your employees, social engineering will be applied to your company and subsequent attacks will only intensify.
Bank details and passports can be used to create bank accounts and online wallets through which criminal money will be laundered.
You will forever lose the reputation.
You will be subject to huge fines from the government.
You can learn more about liability for data loss here: hxxps:// here hxxps://
Courts, fines and the inability to use important files will lead you to huge losses. The consequences of this will be irreversible for you.
Contacting the police will not save you from these consequences, and lost data, will only make your situation worse.
How to contact us
Write us to the mails:
You can contact our online operator in telegram: @GROUNDINGCONDUCTOR (BE CAREFUL ABOUT FAKE)
Download the (Session) messenger hxxps:// in messenger :ID"05bc5e20c9c6fbfd9a58bfa222cecd4bbf9b5cf4e1ecde84a0b8b3de23ce8e144e"
Write this ID in the title of your message 9ECFA84E-3511
IF YOU WILL CONTACT US IN FIRST 6 hours , and we close our deal in 24 hours , PRICE WILL BE ONLY 30%.
(time is money for both of us , if you will take care about our time , we will do same , we will care of price and decryption process will be done VERY FAST)
What no to do and recomendation
You can get out of this situation with minimal losses (Our reputation is our money!) !!! To do this you must strictly observe the following rules:
DO NOT Modify, DO NOT rename, DO NOT copy, DO NOT move any files. Such actions may DAMAGE them and decryption will be impossible.
DO NOT use any third party or public decryption software, it may also DAMAGE files.
DO NOT Shutdown or Reboot the system this may DAMAGE files.
DO NOT hire any third party negotiators (recovery/police, etc.) You need to contact us as soon as possible and start negotiations.
You can send us 1-2 small data not value files for test , we will decrypt it and send it to you back.
After payment we need no more that 2 hours to decrypt all of your data. We will be support you untill fully decryption going to be done! ! ! (Our reputation is our money!)'


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