GPT Search Navigator

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 18,634
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 10
First Seen: March 1, 2023
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence chatbot developed by OpenAI has taken over the world by storm, and many people are fascinated by the capabilities of this new tool. However, unscrupulous software developers are starting to exploit the popularity of the tool to spread their intrusive applications and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) under the guise of useful products that could expand ChatGPT's abilities. The GPT Search Navigator is exactly such an untrustworthy application.

The GPT Search Navigator browser extension claims to enhance the way users do Google searches. However, after inspecting the extension, it was found that GPT Search Navigator is a browser hijacker that promotes the use of the search engine. This search engine is fake and can lead to compromised search results and potentially harmful websites. Therefore, users should avoid installing such browser extensions, as they can be a potential security threat and compromise their privacy.

The GPT Search Navigator Acts as a Browser Hijacker

Browser hijacker is software that take control of a user'sWeb browser by modifying their settings, such as the default search engine, homepage, and new tab/windows. One example of a browser hijacker is the GPT Search Navigator.

Once installed on a computer, the GPT Search Navigator redirects all new browser tabs/windows and search queries entered into the URL bar to, which is a fake search engine. This fake search engine is incapable of providing reliable search results and instead redirects users to legitimate search engines, such as Google.

The GPT Search Navigator employs persistence-ensuring techniques that prevent the user's browser from recovering to its previous settings. This means that even if the users try to change their browser settings, they will be unable to do so because the hijacker has taken control.

Moreover, the GPT Search Navigator also spies on the user's browsing activity and collects sensitive information, including visited URLs, viewed Web pages, searched queries, bookmarks, usernames/passwords, credit card numbers and other personally identifiable details. This information can be sold to third parties for profit or used for other nefarious purposes. Therefore, it is crucial to be cautious when browsing the Internet and avoid downloading or installing suspicious software.

How PUPs and Browser Hijackers Get Installed on Users' Devices?

Browser hijackers and Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUPs) are typically spread through various deceptive tactics. One common method is through software bundling, which involves packaging the hijacker or PUP with legitimate software downloads, such as freeware or shareware. During the installation process, the user may unknowingly agree to install the bundled software as well.

Another way that browser hijackers and PUPs can spread is through deceptive online advertisements and pop-ups that mimic legitimate warnings or software updates. These advertisements may trick the user into downloading and installing the hijacker or PUP by presenting it as a necessary or helpful tool.

Moreover, some browser hijackers and PUPs can be distributed through tampered email attachments, social engineering tactics, and other forms of malware infections.

In summary, browser hijackers and PUPs can be spread through deceptive software bundling, fake online advertisements, social engineering tactics, and other malware infections. Be cautious when downloading software or clicking on advertisements and keep security software up-to-date to prevent these unwanted programs from infecting your computer.


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