
GameSearchTech is a browser hijacker that relies on deceptive distribution techniques to infiltrate users' computers without attracting any attention. This dubious behavior also classifies the application as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program).

Browser hijackers are common tools tasked with driving artificial traffic towards fake search engines. GameSearchTech is not an exception. By taking over certain browser settings, the PUP ensures that most user actions will lead to the promoted address - '' Affected uses will notice that their homepage, new page tab, and the default search engine have been set to open this unfamiliar address.

Fake engines are classified as such, due to their inability to produce search results. In the majority of cases, these engines rely on a legitimate one, such as Yahoo, for the actual results presented to the users. However, sometimes the fake engines may redirect to another dubious engine that can generate results. Users should be careful though as the displayed links could include various sponsored ads that could lead to shady third-party websites. 

Reverting the browser settings to their original state could prove to be impossible while the GameSearchTech PUP is still present on the system. Another reason to remove the application as soon as possible is that browser hijackers are known for possessing data-harvesting functions. The PUP could be monitoring the user's browsing activities and transmitting them to a remote server. The tracked data also could include device details such as IP address, geolocation and more. 


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