Threat Database Browser Hijackers is a part of an advertising service available to website publishers that are a means of generating revenue. Typically, users may experience an occasional redirect to this ad-delivering page caused by a previously visited website. Simply closing the ad and moving on with your browsing is enough, but if users want to go one step further in stopping such sites' activities, they might want to consider installing an ad blocker-type browser extension. If, however, an abnormal amount of redirects to this website are happening, that might be a signal that there is an adware application lurking on the computer.

To check if that is the case, it is recommended to conduct a scan with a reputable anti-malware program. Remove any suspicious applications that are detected. Indeed, keeping adware could represent a security risk as most apps of this type have at least some degree of data harvesting capabilities. Not to mention that the ad redirects they cause could be for suspicious online game sites, unwanted browser extensions that act as browser hijackers, adult pages, fake software updates, technical support tactics, etc.


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