Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Bazaar Virtual Browser Extension

Bazaar Virtual Browser Extension

In the course of a routine investigation into potentially questionable websites, cybersecurity researchers identified the Bazaar Virtual browser extension. This software is presented as a tool facilitating swift access to online clothing stores. However, upon closer examination, it has been determined that the Bazaar Virtual operates as a browser hijacker. Rather than delivering the promised functionality, this extension manipulates browser settings to endorse the fake search engine. Consequently, users who install the Bazaar Virtual expecting improved access to clothing stores may unwittingly find their browsing experience compromised by the intrusive actions of this browser-hijacking software.

The Bazaar Virtual Browser Hijacker Takes Over Important Browser Settings

Browser-hijacking software exerts control over users' browsers by setting endorsed Web pages as default search engines, homepages, and new tab pages. As a consequence, when users open new browser tabs or input search queries into the URL bar, they are automatically redirected to the specified endorsed site.

The Bazaar Virtual follows this pattern, promoting the page through browser manipulation. Fake search engines, including, typically lack the capability to generate authentic search results. Instead, they redirect users to legitimate search engines. In the case of, it has been observed to take results from the Bing search engine. However, it's crucial to note that redirection destinations may differ, based on factors like user geolocation.

Importantly, browser hijackers commonly employ persistence-ensuring mechanisms to impede users' attempts at browser recovery, making it challenging to revert to their preferred settings.

Moreover, the Bazaar Virtual may encompass data-tracking functionalities, potentially collecting a range of user information. This could include visited URLs, viewed pages, search queries, Internet cookies, usernames/passwords, personally identifiable details, and financial data. The collected information may be shared with or sold to third parties, raising privacy and security concerns for users affected by this browser-hijacking software. Therefore, users should exercise caution and employ security measures to safeguard their browsing experience and personal information.

Browser Hijackers May Attempt to Mask Their Installation via Shady Distribution Tactics

Browser hijackers often employ deceptive tactics to mask their installation and deceive users. Some common shady distribution tactics include:

  • Bundled Software: Browser hijackers may be bundled with seemingly legitimate software downloads. Users who hastily install freeware or shareware without carefully reviewing installation options may inadvertently allow the hijacker to be installed alongside the desired software.
  •  Misleading Ads and Pop-ups: Shady websites and pop-up advertisements may promote seemingly attractive offers, promotions, or software updates. Clicking on these misleading ads can lead to the unintentional download and installation of browser hijackers.
  •  Fake Software Updates: Hijackers may masquerade as software updates, exploiting users' trust in keeping their software current. Users who click on fake update prompts may unknowingly install the hijacking software instead.
  •  Social Engineering: Some browser hijackers use social engineering techniques to trick users. This could involve fake security warnings, urgent messages, or enticing offers designed to persuade users to take actions that lead to the installation of the hijacking software.
  •  Email Attachments and Links: Phishing emails may contain attachments or links that, when opened, initiate the download of browser hijackers. These emails often employ tactics to make the content appear legitimate and trustworthy.
  •  Fake Browser Extensions: Browser hijackers may present themselves as seemingly harmless browser extensions or add-ons, offering useful features to entice users into installing them. Once installed, they manipulate browser settings without the user's knowledge.

These tactics aim to exploit users' trust, curiosity, or lack of awareness to infiltrate their systems. To steer clear of falling victim to these deceptive practices, users should exercise caution when downloading software, refrain from clicking on suspicious links or ads, keep their software updated through official channels, and use reliable security software to detect and prevent unwanted installations. Regularly reviewing browser extensions and being vigilant about the sources of downloads can also help prevent the inadvertent installation of browser hijackers.


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