Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 21
First Seen: November 20, 2023
Last Seen: November 21, 2023

A thorough examination of conducted by cybersecurity researchers has revealed that the primary objective of this website is to engage in deceptive practices, coercing visitors into consenting to receive notifications. Consequently, users are strongly advised against placing trust in It is noteworthy to highlight that websites similar to are frequently accessed inadvertently, underscoring the importance of exercising caution while navigating the Internet.

Exercise Caution When Dealing with Rogue Sites Like employs deceptive tactics by presenting a counterfeit video player and a loading spinner, coupled with a message instructing visitors to click the 'Allow' button to confirm their non-robot status. The implication is that clicking 'Allow' will facilitate video loading and completion of a CAPTCHA. However, this action actually grants the website permission to send notifications.

It's important to recognize the inherent risks associated with notifications from dubious sources like Allowing such notifications may expose users to a range of threats and undesired consequences. Clicking on these notifications can potentially redirect users to deceptive websites that aim to extract sensitive information, initiate unauthorized downloads, or engage in fraudulent activities.

Therefore, users are counseled to exercise caution and refrain from enabling notifications from untrustworthy sources to minimize the potential risks associated with such notifications. Another compelling reason to avoid trust in websites like is their propensity to redirect users to similar or other untrustworthy websites, amplifying the overall security concerns.

Evidential Signs Indicating a Potentially Fake CAPTCHA Check

Identifying a fake CAPTCHA check is crucial for users to avoid falling victim to deceptive online practices. Here are some typical signs to be aware of:

  • Unusual Language or Characters: Legitimate CAPTCHAs typically use standard alphanumeric characters. If you encounter a CAPTCHA with unfamiliar symbols, characters, or in a language unrelated to the context of the website, it could be a fake.
  •  Inconsistent Design: Pay attention to the design elements of the CAPTCHA. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are usually well-designed and integrated seamlessly into the website's layout. If the design looks inconsistent or out of place, it may be a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Unusual Placement: Check the placement of the CAPTCHA on the Web page. If it appears in an unexpected location or seems detached from the form it's supposed to protect, it could be a sign of a fake CAPTCHA.
  •  Lack of Accessibility Features: Legitimate CAPTCHAs often include features to aid users with disabilities, such as audio alternatives or the ability to refresh for a different challenge. Fake CAPTCHAs may lack these accessibility features.
  •  Requests for Immediate Action: Be cautious if the CAPTCHA is presented with an urgent message, especially if it insists on quick action, such as clicking a button immediately. This urgency could be a tactic to pressure users into making a hasty decision.
  •  Overlay on the Page: Some fake CAPTCHAs may appear as overlays on the Web page rather than being integrated into the site's content. Legitimate ones are typically part of the page's structure.

Users should remain vigilant and consider these factors when encountering CAPTCHA checks to ensure their interaction is with a legitimate and secure website. If in doubt, it's advisable to verify the authenticity of the CAPTCHA or the website itself before taking any action.

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