Threat Database Ransomware Nigra Ransomware

Nigra Ransomware

During the investigation of potential malware threats, information security researchers came across a new ransomware known as Nigra. This particular category of malicious programs is designed with the primary intent of encrypting a victim's data and subsequently demanding a ransom for the decryption key. Once Nigra successfully infiltrates a victim's computer system, it initiates the process of encrypting the files stored there.

What distinguishes Nigra from other ransomware threats is its unique method of renaming the files it encrypts. Nigra appends the original filenames with a unique ID that is generated for each victim, the email address of the cybercriminals responsible for the attack, and a file extension of '.nigra.' For example, if a file is initially titled '1.jpg,' after Nigra's encryption process would appear as '1.jpg.[baf2c5b349].[].nigra.'

Once the encryption process is complete, Nigra leaves behind a file named 'README_WARNING.txt.' This file serves as a means for the cybercriminals to communicate with the victim and convey their demand for a ransom in exchange for the decryption key.

The Nigra Ransomware Could Cause Severe Damage to Infected Devices

The ransom note of the Nigra Ransomware informs victims that to regain access to their data, they must comply with a ransom payment demand. However, prior to making this payment, the victim is given the option to validate the decryption process. This validation involves sending the attackers three encrypted files, adhering to certain specifications, to ensure that the decryption can be successfully carried out.

Victims are explicitly warned against any attempts to modify their files or seek assistance from third parties, as decryption is typically a complex and intricate process that, in most cases, relies on the direct involvement of the attackers. Exceptions to this rule are rare and usually only occur when there are significant flaws or vulnerabilities in the ransomware's encryption methodology.

Furthermore, even if victims choose to meet the ransom requests, there is no guarantee that they will receive the promised decryption keys or tools. This creates a significant risk, as paying the cybercriminals not only fails to ensure data recovery but also financially supports their illegal activities. As a result, it is strongly advised against making ransom payments to these malicious actors.

To protect against further data encryption by the Nigra Ransomware, it is essential to remove the ransomware from the affected operating system completely. This step is crucial in preventing additional data loss and maintaining the security of the system.

Effective Measures to Protect Your Devices and Data from Malware Attacks

Protecting your data and devices from malware attacks is crucial for maintaining digital security and privacy. Here are some effective measures you can take to safeguard your devices and data from such threats:

  • Install Security Software: Utilize reputable anti-malware software on all your devices. Keep the software up to date to ensure it can uncover and remove the latest malware threats.
  •  Keep Operating Systems Updated: Regularly update your device's operating system, as these updates usually include security patches to disable vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malware.
  •  Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Employ strong, complex passwords for your accounts, and consider using a password manager to generate and store them securely. Make sure to avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.
  •  Exercise Caution with Email: Be extremely watchful when opening email attachments or interacting with links in emails, especially if they are from unknown or unverified sources. After all, emails are a common vector for malware distribution.
  •  Use a Firewall: Enable or install a firewall on your device to filter incoming and outgoing network traffic, blocking potentially harmful connections.
  • Back Up Your Data Regularly: Perform regular backups of your data to an external device or a secure cloud storage service. This ensures that you can recover your information in case of a malware attack or data loss.
  •  Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about common malware threats and tactics. Educate yourself and your family or colleagues about the risks associated with online behavior and how to recognize phishing attempts.
  •  Keep Software Updated: Regularly update all your software, including web browsers, plugins, and applications. Outdated software can have known vulnerabilities that malware can exploit.
  •  Secure Your Network: Secure your Wi-Fi network with a strong password and encryption. This blocks unauthorized access to your network and devices.

By following these effective measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of malware attacks and enhance the security of your devices and data. It's essential to maintain a proactive and vigilant approach to cybersecurity.

The ransom note dropped by the Nigra Ransomware reads:

':: Greetings :::

Little FAQ:

Q: Whats Happen?

): Your files have been encrypted for NIGRA. The file structure was not damaged, we did everything possible so that this could not happen.0

Q: How to recover files?

): If you wish to decrypt your files you will need to pay us

you can send a three small files for testing,'excel ,word,txt,jpg' something.

As a guarantee of our decryption ability.

Q: How to contact with you?

): You can write us to our 3 mailboxes: and or

If we do not reply within 24 hours, it means that the mailbox has been blocked, please contact our backup mailbox.

(please in subject line write your ID: -)


DON'T try to change encrypted files by yourself!

We have never posted any decrypted videos on youtube, any SNS, please don't trust those crooks who post so-called decrypted videos

choose to trust them, unless you have a lot of money!

If you need decryption, please contact us via our email, we will only get in touch with you via email.

The private key for decryption only exists in our hands, and only we can help decrypt files in this world !!'


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