Threat Database Ransomware L00KUPRU Ransomware

L00KUPRU Ransomware

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a ransomware threat known as the L00KUPRU Ransomware through their thorough analysis of malware threats. Ransomware, like L00KUPRU is threatening software specifically designed to encrypt the data of its victims, subsequently demanding payment in exchange for decryption.

L00KUPRU operates by encrypting files on the victim's system, effectively locking them out of their own data. To further pressure victims, the ransomware displays a pop-up window and generates a 'HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt' file, both of which contain detailed ransom demands and instructions for payment.

In addition to encryption and ransom notes, L00KUPRU also alters file names by appending its own extension ('.L00KUPRU') to the original filenames. For example, a file named '1.png' would be renamed to '1.png.L00KUPRU,' while '2.pdf' would become '2.pdf.L00KUPRU,' and so on.

Further analysis has revealed that L00KUPRU belongs to the Xorist Ransomware family, indicating its lineage and potential similarities with other variants within this family.

The L00KUPRU Ransomware Extorts Victims for Thousands

The ransom note associated with the L00KUPRU Ransomware explicitly informs victims that their device's files have been encrypted, rendering them inaccessible without payment. The demanded ransom stands at $1500, payable in Bitcoin (BTC). Interestingly, the note also offers a discount if contact is initiated within four days from the time of encryption.

To facilitate communication, the ransom note provides various channels for victims to reach out to the perpetrators. These include an ICQ number accessible through a phone application and an email address ( Additionally, it specifies a Bitcoin wallet address for sending the ransom payment. Victims are cautioned against attempting to tamper with the encrypted files or device settings, as such actions could potentially hinder the restoration process.

While victims may feel compelled to comply with the ransom demands, it's crucial to understand that paying does not guarantee the provision of decryption tools by the cybercriminals. Furthermore, succumbing to ransom demands only perpetuates the cycle of ransomware attacks. Nonetheless, it's imperative to remove the ransomware from infected computers promptly to prevent further data loss and mitigate the risk of spreading the malware to other connected devices on the network.

Take Effective Security Measures to Safeguard Your Devices and Data from Ransomware Threats

Protecting devices and data from ransomware requires a comprehensive approach that combines various security measures. Here are some effective security measures that users can apply to safeguard their devices and data from ransomware:

  • Regular Backups: Maintain regular backups of important files and data on external storage devices or cloud-based services. This ensures that even if your device gets affected by ransomware, you can restore your files from backups without having to pay the ransom.
  •  Update Software: Keep your operating system, anti-malware and security software, and all applications up to date with the latest security patches and updates. Regular updates help patch vulnerabilities that ransomware attackers may exploit to infect your device.
  •  Install Anti-Malware Software: Use reputable anti-malware software on your devices and keep them updated. These programs can detect and remove ransomware and other malicious software before they can encrypt your files.
  •  Exercise Caution Every Time You Deal with Email Attachments and Links: Be cautious when clicking on links,
  • or dealing with email attachments, especially if they're from unknown or suspicious sources. Ransomware often spreads through phishing emails containing unsafe attachments or links.
  •  Enable Firewall Protection: Activate and configure a firewall on your machines to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls can block unauthorized access attempts and prevent ransomware from communicating with its command-and-control servers.
  •  Use Strong Passwords and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Strengthen your device and online accounts with strong, unique passwords. Consider the benefits of using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. Additionally, enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) whenever possible to add an extra layer of security.
  •  Limit User Privileges: Restrict user privileges on devices and networks to minimize the potential impact of ransomware infections. Users should only have access to the resources and data necessary for their roles.
  •  Educate Users: Educate yourself and others about ransomware threats and how to recognize phishing attempts. Teach them to avoid clicking on any suspicious links, downloading unknown files, or providing sensitive information to unknown sources.

By implementing effective security measures, users can noticeably lessen the risks of falling victim to ransomware attacks and protect their devices and data effectively.

The ransom note left to the victims of the L00KUPRU Ransomware is:

'Device ID :
The device files have been encrypted at the moment and it is impossible to access them at the moment except when you pay the amount of 1500 $ in BTC by currency you have 4 days to get a discount
Communication ways :-
Phone Application ICQ :747201461
Email :
WALLET BTC : 12et3ym4PnDzc9L5AfXyJz7bTfb8zvc8Hn
Note Do not tamper with the files or settings of the device Tip because if tampered with, we will not be able to restore your files
All rights reserved : Anonymous ?'


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