威脅數據庫 Ransomware 致命鎖定勒索軟體


在檢查潛在惡意軟體威脅時,網路安全研究人員遇到了一種名為 Lethal Lock 的勒索軟體變種。此威脅會對檔案進行加密,並將「.LethalLock」新增為原始檔案名稱的新副檔名。此外,Lethal Lock 還會在受感染的裝置上以名為「SOLUTION_NOTE.txt」的文字檔案形式建立勒索字條。該威脅也會修改受害者的桌面壁紙。


Lethal Lock 勒索軟體向 Vitims 勒索巨額款項

勒索信最初承認一個名為「LETHAL LOCK」的網路實體對伺服器安全造成了破壞。它還詳細介紹了檔案的加密過程,將其描述為高度複雜,如果沒有解密金鑰幾乎不可能逆轉。該說明對藐視他們的要求的行為發出了嚴厲警告,強調如果不在 72 小時內支付贖金,則可能會導致數據永久丟失以及迅速產生後果的風險。

提供了透過 Telegram (@lethallock) 聯繫客戶支援並轉移 25 比特幣以換取解密金鑰的說明。




  • 安裝和更新安全軟體:利用信譽良好的反惡意軟體軟體並保持更新以檢測和刪除惡意軟體。
  • 啟用防火牆保護:啟動任何裝置上的防火牆以觀察和控製網路流量,防止未經授權的存取並阻止惡意軟體。
  • 保持作業系統和軟體更新:始終更新您的作業系統、應用程式和軟體,以修補潛在的安全漏洞並防範惡意軟體使用的已知漏洞。
  • 點擊連結和下載檔案時請務必小心:始終小心未經請求的電子郵件、可疑連結和來自未指定來源的附件,因為它們可能包含惡意軟體。在點擊連結或下載檔案之前,請先驗證寄件者的真實性。
  • 使用強而獨特的密碼:為您的帳戶建立強密碼,並避免在多個平台上使用相同或相似的密碼。
  • 啟用雙重認證 (2FA) :盡可能啟用 2FA 可為帳戶增加一層安全性保護,使攻擊者獲得未經授權的存取的要求更高。
  • 養成安全瀏覽習慣:僅造訪具有安全 HTTPS 連線的受信任網站,並避免點擊來自未經驗證來源的廣告或彈出視窗。從網路上下載軟體時要小心,並驗證來源的合法性。
  • 定期備份資料:實施定期備份策略以建立重要文件和資料的副本。將備份儲存在單獨的裝置或雲端中,以減輕惡意軟體感染時資料遺失的影響。
  • 自我教育並隨時了解情況:尋找惡意軟體作者使用的最新網路安全威脅和技術。讓自己和您的團隊成員了解常見的攻擊媒介、網路釣魚策略以及保持線上安全的最佳實踐。
  • 利用安全功能:利用裝置提供的安全功能,例如裝置加密、生物辨識身分驗證和遠端擦除功能,以防被盜或遺失。
  • 透過遵循這些網路安全最佳實踐,使用者可以降低惡意軟體感染的風險,並顯著保護其裝置和資料免受惡意威脅。

    Lethal Lock 勒索軟體留下的贖金字條內容如下:

    'Oh, what an exquisite predicament has befallen you!

    We take immense pleasure in informing you, without the slightest pang of regret that your server security has been breached & immortalized by LETHAL LOCK, a majestic entity in the realm of cyber command.

    Marvel at the masterpiece of encryption we have orchestrated, utilizing algorithms of such complexity and military-grade standards that they render your critical documents as elusive as a mirage in the desert.

    Your files now dance to the tune of an encryption algorithm so intricate, so enigmatic, that mortals tremble at its sight.

    Should you dare to defy our demands, be prepared for the consequences — your data will remain locked away forever and we will sell them to a third party on the Dark Web or use them as a trade by barter on the Dark-Web to get higher upgraded tools to dismantle your organization within a twinkle of an eye.

    Any futile attempts to decipher this cryptographic masterpiece, appeal to law enforcement, or seek assistance from less reputable cybersecurity entities will only hasten the irreversible disappearance of your confidential datas and the swift deletion of the decryption key.

    Your enduring rule, should you choose to accept it, is to comply with our ransom payment demands within 72 hours (3days). Failure to meet this demand will result in the permanent loss of your decryption key, accompanied by a symphony of data obfuscation maneuvers that thwart even the most valiant attempts at file recovery.

    To embark on this momentous path of payment and data liberation:

    1) Reach out to our esteemed customer support service on Telegram: @lethallock (For those evading payment, we suggest enjoying a hot cup of coffee while witnessing the swift datas/files wipe out orchestrated by the Lethal Lock algorithms).

    2) Acquire and transfer 25 bitcoins with express efficiency. Remember, our treasuries crave bitcoins, and in return, we will provide you with the coveted decryption key that unlocks the chest of digital wealth.

    Follow these crucial instructions:

    1) Keep your computer powered on and connected to the digital world.

    2) Resist all temptations to use data recovery tools without our permission.

    3) Execute the bitcoin transfer with surgical precision before the time extinguish your chance for redemption.

    In your cryptographic triumph,

    Van Dmitry Vladimir

    Senior Director of Operations
    Lethal Lock Tech Company - LLTC'


