Threat Database Ransomware Lethal Lock Ransomware

Lethal Lock Ransomware

During an inspection of potential malware threats, cybersecurity researchers encountered a ransomware variant named the Lethal Lock. This threat encrypts files and adds '.LethalLock' as a new extension to their original filenames. Additionally, Lethal Lock creates a ransom note on the infected devices as a text file named 'SOLUTION_NOTE.txt.' The threat also modifies the victim's desktop wallpaper.

An example of the way the threat changes the file names of the affected data '1.png' becomes '1.png.LethalLock,' '2.pdf' becomes '2.pdf.LethalLock,' and so on.

The Lethal Lock Ransomware Extorts Vitims for Exorbitant Sums

The ransom note initially acknowledges a breach in server security by a cyber entity identified as 'LETHAL LOCK.' It goes on to detail the encryption process of the files, describing it as highly complex and almost impossible to reverse without the decryption key. The note issues a stern warning against defiance of their demands, highlighting the risk of permanent data loss and swift repercussions if the ransom is not paid within a 72-hour window.

Instructions for contacting customer support via Telegram (@lethallock) and transferring 25 bitcoins in exchange for the decryption key are provided.

Victims are advised not to comply with the ransom demands, as there are no real chances that the attackers will keep their end of the bargain by providing the necessary decryption tools after payment. Simultaneously, it is imperative to promptly remove the ransomware from infected computers to mitigate further data loss and prevent potential spread to other devices within the same network.

Implement Effective Measures to Safeguard Your Devices from Malware

Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is crucial to safeguarding devices against malware threats. Here are some essential practices users should follow:

  • Install and Update Security Software: Utilize reputable anti-malware software and keep it updated to detect and remove malware.
  •  Enable Firewall Protection: Activate the firewall on any device to observe and control the network traffic, preventing unauthorized access and blocking malware.
  •  Keep Operating Systems and Software Updated: Always update your operating system, applications, and software to patch potential security vulnerabilities and protect against known exploits used by malware.
  •  Exercise Caution When Clicking Links and Downloading Files: Always be careful with unsolicited emails, suspicious links, and attachments from unspecified sources, as they may contain malware. Verify the sender's authenticity before clicking on links or downloading files.
  •  Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Create strong passwords for your accounts and avoid using the same or similar passwords across multiple platforms.
  •  Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enabling 2FA whenever possible adds one more layer of security to accounts, making it more demanding for attackers to gain unauthorized access.
  •  Practice Safe Browsing Habits: Only access trusted websites with secure HTTPS connections and avoid clicking on ads or pop-ups from unverified sources. Be cautious when downloading software from the Internet and verify the source's legitimacy.
  •  Backup Data Regularly: Implement a regular backup strategy to create copies of important files and data. Store backups on separate devices or in the cloud to mitigate the impact of data loss in the event of a malware infection.
  •  Educate Yourself and Stay Informed: Look for the latest cybersecurity threats and techniques used by malware authors. Educate yourself and your team members about common attack vectors, phishing tactics and best practices for staying safe online.
  •  Utilize Security Features: Take advantage of security features offered by your device, such as device encryption, biometric authentication and remote wiping capabilities in case of theft or loss.

By following these cybersecurity best practices, users can lessen the risk of malware infections and protect their devices and data from malicious threats significantly.

The ransom note dropped by the Lethal Lock Ransomware reads:

'Oh, what an exquisite predicament has befallen you!

We take immense pleasure in informing you, without the slightest pang of regret that your server security has been breached & immortalized by LETHAL LOCK, a majestic entity in the realm of cyber command.

Marvel at the masterpiece of encryption we have orchestrated, utilizing algorithms of such complexity and military-grade standards that they render your critical documents as elusive as a mirage in the desert.

Your files now dance to the tune of an encryption algorithm so intricate, so enigmatic, that mortals tremble at its sight.

Should you dare to defy our demands, be prepared for the consequences — your data will remain locked away forever and we will sell them to a third party on the Dark Web or use them as a trade by barter on the Dark-Web to get higher upgraded tools to dismantle your organization within a twinkle of an eye.

Any futile attempts to decipher this cryptographic masterpiece, appeal to law enforcement, or seek assistance from less reputable cybersecurity entities will only hasten the irreversible disappearance of your confidential datas and the swift deletion of the decryption key.

Your enduring rule, should you choose to accept it, is to comply with our ransom payment demands within 72 hours (3days). Failure to meet this demand will result in the permanent loss of your decryption key, accompanied by a symphony of data obfuscation maneuvers that thwart even the most valiant attempts at file recovery.

To embark on this momentous path of payment and data liberation:

1) Reach out to our esteemed customer support service on Telegram: @lethallock (For those evading payment, we suggest enjoying a hot cup of coffee while witnessing the swift datas/files wipe out orchestrated by the Lethal Lock algorithms).

2) Acquire and transfer 25 bitcoins with express efficiency. Remember, our treasuries crave bitcoins, and in return, we will provide you with the coveted decryption key that unlocks the chest of digital wealth.

Follow these crucial instructions:

1) Keep your computer powered on and connected to the digital world.

2) Resist all temptations to use data recovery tools without our permission.

3) Execute the bitcoin transfer with surgical precision before the time extinguish your chance for redemption.

In your cryptographic triumph,

Van Dmitry Vladimir

Senior Director of Operations
Lethal Lock Tech Company - LLTC'


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