
Security researchers came across the Lobelia application during their investigation into potentially intrusive or untrustworthy programs. Upon further examination, the experts identified Lobelia as operating in a typical adware manner. Specifically, the application is crafted to generate revenue through aggressive advertising campaigns. Moreover, there are indications that Lobelia could harbor additional harmful functionalities beyond its adware activities. Additionally, researchers caution that Lobelia is definitively linked to the Pirrit adware family.

Adware Like Lobelia may Lead to Heightened Privacy Concerns

Adware is software that generates revenue through displaying advertisements. It primarily functions by showcasing ads across various interfaces such as websites, desktops, and other platforms. These ads often promote online scams and unreliable or unsafe software and can even lead to the distribution of malware. Clicking on certain intrusive ads can trigger scripts that initiate stealthy downloads or installations without the user's consent.

Any legitimate content promoted through these ads is likely exploited by scammers who misuse affiliate programs to earn illicit commissions.

Additionally, the Lobelia application may possess browser-hijacking or data-tracking capabilities. These are common functionalities of adware used to gather browsing and search engine histories, internet cookies, account credentials, personally identifiable information, credit card numbers, and more. This sensitive data can then be monetized through sales to third parties.

Adware and PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) Often Try to Get Installed Unnoticed

Adware and PUPs often attempt to get installed unnoticed by exploiting various questionable distribution practices. Here are some common tactics they use:

  • Bundling with Freeware or Shareware: Adware and PUPs are frequently bundled with legitimate free software or shareware that users download from the internet. During the installation process of the desired software, users may unknowingly agree to install additional programs that are bundled with it. These additional programs are often PUPs or adware.
  • Misleading Installation Prompts: Adware and PUPs employ deceptive installation prompts that trick users into unintentionally installing them. For example, they may use misleading button labels (e.g., 'Next' or 'Accept') to imply consent to additional installations. Users may overlook or misunderstand these prompts, leading to unintended installations.
  • Pre-Checked Boxes: During software installations, adware and PUPs often present additional offers or software installations with pre-checked boxes. If users do not carefully review each step of the installation process and manually uncheck these boxes, they may inadvertently install unwanted programs.
  • Fake Software Updates: Adware and PUPs may masquerade as legitimate software updates or plugins. Users may encounter pop-up messages or notifications prompting them to update their software or install a necessary plugin. However, clicking on these fake updates can lead to the installation of adware or PUPs instead.
  • Malvertising: Adware and PUPs leverage malicious advertising (malvertising) to trick users into clicking on ads that lead to unintended software installations. Malicious ads can appear on legitimate websites and may display enticing offers or urgent alerts to deceive users into clicking and installing unwanted software.
  • Download Portals and Unverified Sources: Adware and PUPs are often distributed through unofficial download portals, torrent sites, or other unverified sources. Users who download software from these sources are at a higher risk of encountering bundled adware or PUPs along with the desired software.

To circumvent the chances of falling victim to these tactics, users should take the following precautions:

  • Download Software from Official Sources: Always download software from official websites or reputable app stores to minimize the risk of encountering bundled adware or PUPs.
  • Read Installation Prompts Carefully: Pay close attention to each step of the installation process. Uncheck any pre-selected boxes offering additional software or features that you do not want.
  • Avoid Clicking on Suspicious Ads or Pop-ups: Be cautious of ads or pop-ups that appear suspicious or too good to be true. Avoid clicking on them to prevent unintended software installations.
  • Keep Software Updated: Ensure that all software installed on your device is up to date, and only download updates from official sources.

By staying watchful and practicing safe browsing habits, users can reduce the likelihood of unintentionally installing adware or PUPs through questionable distribution practices.


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