Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1
First Seen: April 30, 2024
Last Seen: May 1, 2024 is identified as a rogue Web page specifically crafted to propagate browser notification spam and redirect users to potentially unreliable or unsafe websites. This website was uncovered by information security (infosec) researchers during their examination of websites associated with rogue advertising networks. In addition to redirects initiated by pages like, users may inadvertently access similar Web pages through intrusive advertisements, mistyped URLs, spam notifications and adware. may Display Various Clickbait Messages to Trick Its Visitors

The content displayed and promoted by rogue websites can be tailored based on factors like the visitor's IP address or geolocation. During research, presented a deceptive CAPTCHA verification test, instructing users to 'Click Allow if you are not a robot.'

By completing this misleading 'test,' visitors unwittingly grant permission to deliver browser notifications, which are often in the form of advertisements. Notably, this rogue Web page also includes information about notifications, a feature uncommon for such rogue sites. This inclusion could be attributed to new policies or policy changes implemented by hosting providers or other entities.

The notifications and advertisements displayed by may promote online tactics, unreliable or hazardous software and potentially even malware. This highlights the deceptive tactics employed by rogue websites to engage users and potentially compromise their devices or personal information. Users should use a lot of caution and avoid interacting with suspicious prompts or requests from unfamiliar websites like to mitigate potential security risks.

Red Flags Indicating a Fake CAPTCHA Check Verification 

Identifying red flags indicating a fake CAPTCHA check verification is crucial to avoid falling victim to deceptive tactics employed by fraudulent websites. Some peculiar signs to watch out for include:

  • Unusual or Generic CAPTCHA Request: Be wary of CAPTCHA prompts that appear out of context or don't align with the website's usual functions. Genuine CAPTCHA checks are typically used to verify human users, not as a primary interaction on a Web page.
  • Instructs to Click 'Allow' for Verification: A common tactic used by rogue websites is to instruct users to click 'Allow' on browser notifications under the guise of a CAPTCHA verification. Authentic CAPTCHAs do not require granting permission for browser notifications.
  • Grammatical Errors or Poorly Worded Instructions: Fake CAPTCHA prompts often contain grammatical mistakes or unclear instructions. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are typically well-written and straightforward.
  • Immediate or Excessive Urgency: Be cautious if the CAPTCHA prompt pressures you to act immediately or repeatedly. Fraudsters use urgency to trick users into making hasty decisions.
  • Unfamiliar or Sketchy Website URL: Check the website's URL where the CAPTCHA appears. If it looks suspicious, unfamiliar, or misspelled, it's likely a fake CAPTCHA.
  • CAPTCHA Appears Before Interacting with the Website: If you encounter a CAPTCHA immediately upon visiting a website without engaging in any actions, it could be a red flag for a fake CAPTCHA.
  • Unexpected Reward or Incentive: Watch out for CAPTCHAs that promise rewards or incentives for completing the verification. Genuine CAPTCHAs are used solely to verify human users, not to offer rewards.
  • Unusual Design or Appearance: Fake CAPTCHA prompts may have a different design or appearance compared to legitimate CAPTCHAs used by reputable websites.
  • Lack of Transparency or Contact Information: Legitimate websites provide clear contact information or support channels. Fake CAPTCHA prompts may lack transparency or offer no way to reach out for assistance.

Always utilize caution and verify the legitimacy of CAPTCHA prompts before taking any actions. If you encounter suspicious CAPTCHA checks, refrain from interacting with them and consider leaving the website to avoid potential security risks or tactics.

URLs may call the following URLs:


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